Monday, April 2, 2012


     "Doubt thou the stars are fire
Doubt that the sun doth move
Doubt truth to be a liar
But never doubt I love..."

To my dearest Ophelia,

     I have never given credence to that old notion that "absence makes the heart grow fonder," but since your speedy departure from my life, I have reconsidered. I never thought I'd miss your bright blue eyes, nor your fiery hair, nor, in fact, that rosy blush that would set your ever-fair cheeks alight. I've never known it's absence it seems. It has become apparent as of late that I took your presence for granted.
     Oh my dear, I cannot even accurately articulate in words just how hollow my heart is and how opaque my life has become without you in it. Ophelia, you were, no, you are the light in my life. And, I need your phosphorescence in my life right now to guide me through these ever-darkening twists and turns my existence has taken over these past few months since my father's untimely demise and my aunt-mother's never-timely marriage to my uncle-father.
     Dearheart, that you have so seemingly so easily cut me out of your life brings a sickness to my heart that I must aptly call a poison for which there is no cure, for it is slowly sucking the life from me. This severing of contact between you and me is slicing into my soul, slowly severing it in half. Ophelia, my heart aches for you and is calling out for you. I cannot recall to you how many times I have woken from dreams filled with nothing but your creamy skin, dream-blue eyes, and pouty lips beyond extacy only to succumb to utter despair with your absence. It leaves my heart feeling shattered, smashed into innumerable tiny shards for which I've tried to pick up only to cut my hands on their sharp edges, leaving me a bloody mess and a heart still in shambles. I cannot repair this heart of mine...without your gentle touch.
     My dear, why have you forsaken me? My thoughts wander back to every cherished (at least they are in my mind) moment we've stolen, rolling over them time and time again, and I cannot for the life of me discover what might have wrested you so far away from me, from my arms which have only ever held you so tenderly. In fact, every moment we've stolen away from the chaotic precepts that our lives have been stitched from, floats around my mind constantly replaying, leaving me sometimes in a daze for days. I feel as though I've woken from a fog sometimes only to become alerted to the knowledge that I have been sitting at that window for hours, or staring at that same page of book for almost a day's time.
     Ophelia, my dear sweet dove, without you, my existence is lesser. I feel disconnected from the earth as though I am slowly floating off it toward the stars that remind me of your eyes. I have come to understand that I need your gentle touch to keep me tethered to the ground. I am slowly flying away without you in my life to hold me down and my heart is slowly bleeding away without you here to put just the right amount of pressure on it to hault the bleeding, so it may heal. That you deny me Ophelia has, for all intensive purposes, driven me closer to the edge of what? I do not know but I feel as though I am standing on the precipice of something, possibly a blade's edge, and I will fall over to one side very soon.
     I miss you Ophelia. Please, please, do not spur my advances. Please come and see me before it is too late and I forget entirely what your presence feels like. Please come to me before I float away from this realm entirely, before I float away from you entirely.

     Yours Truly,

   Inspiration Song:
(This song actually has the quote from the very beginning in it!)
*Opheliac - By: Emilie Autumn*
(She is one of my favourite artists of all time and in fact writes many beautifully macabre pieces inspired my Ophelia and other tragedies.)


stw923 said...

This is great Kelli!

stw923 said...

Kelli, once again, this is beautifully written. I think out of everyone in class, you seem to really capture the essence of their love and passion - yet still embody the internal pain that the characters are feeling. Nice work!

GlumPlum said...

Thank-you Ms.Wats!! I've read a lot of stories and books that have Ophelia or Hamlet in them or mentioned. I've read a lot of different stories that portray their relationship in different lights. Ophelia absolutely fascinates me. Her sorrow and her plight through-out the story just seems severely lacking to me. She went through and killed herself almost immediately out of grief whereas all the other characters have to ponder about it. Her grief just seems so palpitable, tangible. It's something to relate to.
And I love writing stories about either love or death ^.^

TimHegedus said...

Hm I definately agree that his pain and suffering of a trully dreadful situation would give off the vibe to others that he is mad. I've never really seen it that maybe his madness is a way of letting go and releasing the vast emotions he contains within him. Great job kellster