Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hamlet & Ophelia: Before the Tragedy

*Just a Glimpse*

"It's such a beautiful lake, Hamlet."

"Nay tis' one of many lakes we've seen, Ophelia. Tis' one of many you've called fair."

"But this one is truly the most breath-taking. I would die happy if it were but the only sight I ever saw again. To die surrounded by that beautiful blue as the water turned me so blue too..."

"Now Ophelia, hush such morbid frivolity. I will not suffer to hear you say it. You shall not die by this water's edge nor any others, my fair lady."

"Hamlet, I meant no offense for your ears to suffer. Nay, I was letting my inner thoughts flood out of my mouth. My apologies for letting them escape so."

"Tis alright my dearest Ophelia, but my ears would rather delight in more sweet-nothings pouring off from your perfectly pouty lips than such macabre musings." Hamlet said so tenderly as he brushed a lock of Ophelia's curly, long red hair back behind her ear before pressing a chaste kiss to her lips.

"You tease me, sir." Ophelia smiled at Hamlet's look of indignation. "That was surely not a kiss."

"And that be this fair lady's verdict? The Judge of "The Court of Kisses" you are?"

"Judge and jury, yes. This fair lady knows a kiss whens it's pressed upon her lips and that was surely sub-par at best my humble prince." Ophelia said as her face broke into an even more dazzling smile, unable to keep a straight face. Her fair-haired prince on the other hand had no such problems as to keeping up the charade.

"Fair lady you call yourself? When you've known the touch of a man's lips upon your own? I think not! Best get thee to a nunnery now before word gets around." said the prince, keeping up his character.

"You tease too much, sir!" she said as she turned her back to him and crossed her arms across her chest. She stared towards the lake that resembled mirrored glass from high atop the grassy, windswept hill she stood on with her handsome prince. Her hair blew freely with the wind.
Long, heavily-clothed arms wrapped around her middle as the prince's head came to rest upon her shoulder. She tried to squirm out of his hold but he held firm until she relented. He took her hands in his own and interlaced their fingers together across her middle. She nuzzled him in their embrace.

"I could say the same of you Ophelia, after last night. 'You tease too much', but I do not wish to fall into your bad graces. Not while we're on leave, just the two of us." Hamlet whispered in her ear before pressing a kiss to her temple. Ophelia returned his gentle words by turning in their embrace and pressing a long, but not particularly searing, kiss to his lips. Their foreheads touched as they both smile at each other.

"Right as always, Hamlet. I do not wish to fight with you during our short times alone together." she said as she pulled her head back to look into his handsome, smiling face. Her smile turned mischievous as she said, "Though don't expect any respite from my teasing tonight after what you said to me." She pressed a pointed finger into his chest.

"And what, pray tell, did I utter that particularly offended you my dear?" he said with a smirk.

"Nunnery Hamlet? Really? exasperation deeply coating her usually silky voice. " What, pray tell, is with you and that place? Always mentioning it and such. Me thinks you would not enjoy it if I were to show up to our bedroom covered head to toe in nun regalia."

"Contrary, my dear. Me thinks I would enjoy it very, very much." Hamlet said with such a pronounced smirk and mirth to Ophelia's befuddled face. "Corrupting a fair "maiden" such as you would be my pleasure." Ophelia's confused face suddenly donned a look of recognition as her perfectly pouty lips formed a perfect 'O'.
She hit at his chest as he laughed heartily trying to break free from his hold and he let her. She only walked away a couple of steps before he took hold of her hand again, interlocking their fingers.

"Why I never-" Ophelia started before Hamlet interrupted.

"I wouldn't say that my lady." he said as she tried to break free from his hold once again. "And, for that I'm very grateful." he said taking both of her hands in his. Neither could look into the others eyes without laughing.

"I think it best we make our way back towards the cottage. Do you?" Hamlet asked his red-headed beauty as he tucked her under his arm while they started walking in the direction of the cottage. Ophelia shook her head in agreement, while pulling her long coat closed tighter and snuggling closer to Hamlet's warm chest.
Though, she stopped after only walking a few paces to turn her head back towards the lake for one more glimpse of it's reflective surface.

"Constance Lake is so beautiful, Hamlet. And, Germany tis not that far. Surely your father will allow for more visits here?"

"Almost as surely as your father will grant you more leave to visit your new, charming German lady-friend, Henrietta." Hamlet said with a wry smile causing Ophelia to chuckle.

"Yes, my father is quite fond of the idea of me having a connection here in Germany."

"If your father really knew what connecting was happening here in Germany, I doubt he'd be so pleased."

"Hamlet!" Ophelia admonished with a slap to his chest. He laughed quite heartily as they continued their walk to their cottage.

"First the nun remark Hamlet and now that! Your mind is quite far off the beaten path, sir. Quite in the gutter if I'm being frank."

"You ask me why I keep bringing up nunneries and the like. You can't let it go once I mention it. That is why."

"Quite off the point, sir."

"No more off point than your remark of dieing by this water's edge. Why does it seem that anytime water is brought up, your mind wanders almost exactly to your own demise. my sweet? Water and Death are not synonymous sweetheart...only in your mind it seems they are."

"I believe I apologized for my earlier transgression upon your ears dear. And for the record, I do not think the two things synonymous. You just always happen to take me to places where there is some large body of water. I believe it's continuous mention is your fault Hamlet." she said with another pointed finger to his chest.

"Blame me not fair lady." he said as he pulled her closer to himself. "You've always loved the water. I do hope you get your wish to die close to where you love. Though, not too soon I hope. Delayed gratification and all that nonsense." he told her with a lopsided grin and a tug at a wisp of her hair. She grinned back at him.

"I would say, 'As you wish, Hamlet.' but said decision is out of my control." she breathed the crisp, cool air, laden with the water's scent, deep into her lungs. "As I've always merely said Hamlet, if it were up to me, it seems like a beautiful way to go."

*Let me know what you think. ^.^*

*Inspiration Song: What the Water Gave Me by: Florence and the Machine


Amy Clark said...

Well, I thought that was beautifully crafted, although you are Kelli and we all know that you’re the future author among us, so it’s not as if I expected anything less. I liked how you managed to show the sexual nature of their relationship without being lurid or weird. It seems like you had them at first speaketh as true Shakespeareans, but the conversation became more casual, and then by the end the Elizabethan phrasing was almost a little thing they had going on between them. That’s how I interpreted it (if that wasn’t your intention... oops). I thought think the dynamics of their relationship is pretty perfect. In my own post I took a different approach where he kind of argues with her, which basically encompasses my awkwardness in writing fan-fiction (or maybe just anything dealing with love). I liked how you used the water to start and end your post. It gave a nice finality and structure to the story as well as the setting. I thought that was smart. Overall, I love your take on Hamlet and Ophelia... then again what would you expect if you’re inspired by Florence Welch? Looove her....

toledo.daniel said...

I liked how you used the Shakespearean language because it made it relatable to the play. The story was really good and sounded like something that might have actually happened before the play. From what you have written it seems like Hamlet and Ophelia truly do love each other unlike Polonius' suggestion that Hamlet is faking. The calm,peaceful setting of the water helped the feeling of love show throughout the story.

Nierah Jinwright said...

You never fail to write your best and the Shakespeare language added to the atmosphere of the scene you created as well. I felt like I was able to picture exactly what the romantic lake scene would have been like too. Just like a lot of others, this was extremely realistic and can go hand in hand with what the novel portrayed the couple to be like. I also admire your connection that you made with Hamlet father too. That was also realistic with Ophelias and Hamlets dialouge. Great job Kelly. Never fails!

stw923 said...

Kelli, this was wonderful! I feel that your storyline could fit seamlessly into Shakespeare's story. I like how you play with the true language from the play and I think that your interpretations of Hamlet and Ophelia are very true to their actual representations. I also LOVE Ophelia on the water! Great job!

Jasmine Plata said...

This was really good. I liked how you used the language and also used it in a sexual tone. It didn't sound dirty as well. It seemed cute and funny. It was nice to see someone write of their sexual side together. I also like the way you made it very visual i could see everything that was happening. You created a perfect picture in my head. I also like the name of the women he was suppose to be having a connection with in Germany. It made me laugh. Haha. It was well written.